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How to Apply to the PharmD Program

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission into the PharmD program at the Rangel College of Pharmacy,  applicants must:

  • Have a cumulative GPA, as determined by PharmCAS, of 2.75 or higher and prerequisite GPA of 2.75 or higher.
  • Complete all prerequisite coursework by Summer Session I in the year of matriculation.
  • Earn a preferred composite PCAT score of 40 or higher and a preferred PCAT writing score of 3.0 or greater. (Optional, see more information below)
  • Complete the Multiple Mini Interview with the PharmD Admission Committee.

For more information about these requirements, see  Frequently Asked Admissions Questions.

Application Requirement Checklist

All applicants must submit the following:

  • A complete application submitted online through PharmCAS
  • A complete Supplemental Application submitted through the BAMF Portal
    • The required, non-refundable Supplemental Application fee of $100 submitted online through Flywire
  • Official transcripts from each college or university attended, submitted directly to PharmCAS
  • PCAT Exam (optional)
    • Applicants who opt to take PCAT send scores directly to PharmCAS (code: 104)
  • Three PharmCAS recommendation forms:
    • Two recommendations from college professors (math and science)
    • One recommendation from an employer, adviser, pharmacist or college or university administrator (recommendations by mentors or teaching assistants are not accepted)
    • Applicants who have not been enrolled in a degree program at a college or university for two years or more must submit three recommendation forms to PharmCAS from a combination of the following categories: Professors (math and science), pharmacists, other health care professionals (e.g., medicine, nursing, dentistry), or current and previous employers. 
    • Further clarification regarding who may submit recommendations can be found on the PharmCAS College of Pharmacy profile. 
    • Follow the instructions on PharmCAS to submit recommendation forms.  
  • Personal Statement

Prerequisite Coursework

To be considered for admission into the Doctor of Pharmacy program at the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy, applicants are required to complete a minimum of 71 semester credit hours of prerequisite coursework (see the table below) at an accredited college or university. Applications lacking one or more prerequisites are considered if the applicant is enrolled in, or plans to enroll in, courses that fulfill missing prerequisites. If accepted into the program, all missing prerequisites must be satisfactorily completed (a C grade or higher) by summer session I in the year of matriculation.

BCPM (Life & Physical Sciences and Math) prerequisite coursework completed five or more calendar years prior to applying must be retaken unless the applicant has earned a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral degree. BCPM pre-requisite coursework includes General Biology I & II with Lab, Microbiology with Lab, Molecular Biology or Genetics, General Chemistry I & II with Lab, Organic Chemistry I & II with Lab, College Physics I with Lab, Calculus I, and Statistics. Additionally, a grade of C or higher must be earned in all prerequisite coursework (71-72 sch). Grades of C- “C-minus” are not accepted. The college will only accept prerequisite courses dedicated to science majors only. If you have questions about these requirements, contact the Office of Student Affairs at 361.221.0648.

Prerequisites for pharmacy school
Courses Semester Credit Hour Texas A&M University Course number(s)
Communication - Public Speaking 3 COMM 203
English Composition I & II 6 ENGL 103, 104, 203, or 210
General Education
Art, Music, Theater, other Visual or Performing Arts 3
Humanities, Literature, Philosophy, Modern or Classical Language/Literature, Anthropology, Geography, or Cultural Studies 3
Sociology, Psychology, Economics or Computer Science 3
History 6 HIST 105 and HIST 106
Political Science 6 POLS 206 and POLS 207
Life & Physical Sciences
College Physics I/Lab 4 PHYS 201 or 218
General Biology I & II/Labs 8 BIOL 111 and BIOL 112
General Chemistry I & II/Labs 8 CHEM 119 and CHEM 120
Organic Chemistry I & II/Labs 8 CHEM 227/237 and CHEM 228/238
Microbiology/Lab 4 BIOL 206, 351, or VTPB 405
Molecular Biology or Genetics 3-4 BIOL 213 or GENE 301, 302, or 320
Calculus I 3 MATH 147, 151
Statistics 3 STAT 201, 211, 302, or 312
Total SCH 71-72  

†- Refer to the core curriculum section of the Texas A&M University Undergraduate Catalog to find courses that fulfill this requirement.

Texas University Course Equivalencies

Students completing their prerequisite coursework at a different university than Texas A&M may take courses under different course names and numbers than presented above. To determine the equivalent prerequisite course name and number from your university, refer to the course equivalency documents listed below:

For more information about course equivalencies, or if your university is not on the list above, refer to the Texas Common Course Numbering System.

Application Dates and Deadlines

Table of Deadlines
Start Date Fall 2025
Application Opens July 11, 2024 at noon (Eastern Time)
Priority Application Deadline October 1, 2024
Regular Application Deadline April 1, 2025
Interview Dates
Thursday, October 10, 2024 (Virtual)
Friday, October 11, 2024 (Virtual)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 (In person)

Thursday, November 7, 2024 (Virtual)
Friday, November 8, 2024 (Virtual)

Thursday, November 14, 2024 (In Person)

Tuesday, December 10, 2024 (Virtual)
Wednesday, December 11, 2024 (Virtual)

Thursday, January 23, 2025 (In person)
Friday, January 24, 2025 (In person)

Thursday, February 13, 2025 (Virtual)

Thursday, February 27, 2025 (In person)


Priority Application or Regular Application?

Applicants of Rangel College of Pharmacy may apply using the Priority Application or Regular Application process.


  Priority Application Regular Application
Deadline October 1, 2024 April 1, 2025
  • Abbreviated process
    • (Deadline early October, Interviews late October, Receive decision by early December)
  • $250 Admission Deposit, if offered admissions.
  • First round of interviews (All 120 seats available)
  • Applicants must apply by October 1, 2024 and receive an offer of admissions by December 1, 2024 to be considered for the $250 priority application seat deposit. Both criteria must be met to receive the $250 seat incentive deposit.
  • Students who apply and are accepted early, will have an opportunity to submit a COP scholarship application prior to the February 1st annual deadline to be distributed for the upcoming academic year if awarded.
  • $500 Admission Deposit, if offered admissions
  • Later Deadline
  • Rolling Admissions
PCAT Optional Optional

International Applicants

Applicants who are not a U.S. Citizen or a U.S. Lawful Permanent Resident are classified as international applicants by Texas A&M University. If accepted, international applicants are reclassified as international students upon enrollment.

Required documents for international applicants

In addition to the required PharmCAS application materials, international applicants must submit the following directly to PharmCAS:

  1.  A foreign credentials transcript evaluation for each international transcript must be sent electronically (no paper transcripts will be accepted) directly to PharmCAS. Acceptable credentialing agency: World Education Service, Inc.


Proof of English Proficiency Requirements

Citizens from non-English-speaking countries are required to submit proof of English proficiency to be eligible for review.

  • Minimum TOEFL i-BT score of 80 (in person or Home Edition) from a test date within two years (Texas A&M University does not accept the MyBest TOEFL score);
  • Minimum TOEFL Essentials score of 8.5;
  • If you are a citizen of one of the designated countries listed here, you will be exempt from the English proficiency requirement for admission and considered English Language Proficiency (ELP) Verified; or
  • Students (excluding F-1/J-1 students) who have completed at least 74 semester credit hours at an accredited United States university or college will not be required to submit passing TOEFL scores.

Scores must be sent directly from Educational Testing Service (ETS) to PharmCAS (use code 8246).

TOEFL scores more than two years old are not accepted.


Required documents for accepted PharmD international applicants

Once a student is extended and accepted an offer of admissions, the following documents must be sent directly to the Office of Student Affairs:

  1. An official copy of each international transcript (native language and certified English translation) describing all academic programs attempted.
  2. A degree statement, original diploma, or any official proof of degree awarded  from each international institution attended. For guidance on acceptable documentation, please contact our office at

International applicants must mail their application materials to:
Texas A&M Rangel College of Pharmacy
ATTN: Office of Student Affairs
1010 West Avenue B, MSC 131
Kingsville, TX 78363

Questions or concerns:

If you have any questions or concerns about any of these admission requirements, please email us at  For additional resources, please visit the Office of International Student Services at webpage here.




Transfer Applicants

Students enrolled in a PharmD program at another college or college of pharmacy, may apply to transfer into the PharmD program at the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy. This application is processed through the Office of Academic Affairs.  If you have any additional questions, please contact the office at 361.221.0933.

Transfer Application materials

When applying for a transfer, students must submit the following:

  1. A Rangel College of Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy Transfer Student application
  2. A personal statement detailing the reason or reasons for applying for a transfer. Include information about extracurricular activities, membership in student organizations and relevant volunteer work.
  3. An official transcript from the current school or college of pharmacy.
    A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.25, on a 4.0 scale, is required.
  4. Official transcripts from institutions where pre-pharmacy coursework was completed.
    A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75, on a 4.0 scale, is required.
  5. An official PCAT score. (optional)
    Scores more than three years old are not accepted and a competitive score is required.
  6. A letter of good academic and professional standing from the dean of the current school or college of pharmacy.
  7. Three letters of recommendation:
    • Two letters from faculty members teaching at the current school or college of pharmacy
    • One letter from a pharmacist or work supervisor who has firsthand knowledge of your capabilities

The Rangel College of Pharmacy may request a syllabus for each pharmacy course completed at the current school or college of pharmacy. Do not submit course syllabi unless they are requested.

Application Submission deadline and fee

The transfer application, supporting documentation and processing fee of $100 must be submitted by Feb. 1 of the year the student wishes to transfer. Mail transfer application and supporting documentation to:

Office of Academic Affairs
Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy
1010 West Avenue B
Kingsville, Texas 78363

Transfer students are admitted into the PharmD program at the Rangel College of Pharmacy in the fall semester of the year they apply.

Important information regarding transfers

  • Transfers are considered on a case-by-case basis, contingent on whether a seat is available.
  • Students may only transfer into the didactic curriculum and are required to be enrolled for a minimum of three years as a full-time student at the Rangel College of Pharmacy to earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.
  • Because of differences in pharmacy programs, there is no guarantee a transfer student will enter the PharmD program at the Rangel College of Pharmacy with the same classification. For example, a transfer student may have been classified as a third-year student in their current program, but may be classified as a second-year student in our program.
  • Students applying for a transfer may be interviewed and should plan to travel to the Rangel College of Pharmacy at their own expense.

Admissions Interview

In order to be considered for admission into the PharmD program at the Rangel College of Pharmacy, all applicants are required to complete the MuItiple Mini-Interview (MMI) with the PharmD Admission Committee. The interview day will last about 4 hours (virtual or in-person). During this time, applicants participate in the interview, fill out a campus selection form, learn more about the program and speak with current students.

What is a Multiple Mini-Interview?

Admissions interviews follow the MuItiple Mini-Interview (MMI) format. MMI is a process where applicants interview with multiple faculty at different stations. A question or scenario is presented to the applicant just prior to entering the station. Questions and scenarios are designed to measure one or more of the following:

  • Responsibility
  • Ethical & Moral Judgment
  • Communication Skills
  • Management Skills
  • Problem Solving
  • Self Awareness
  • Team Work
  • Conflict Resolution

What to expect during an MMI?

  1. Applicants are assigned to begin at a specific station. (in person or virtual).
  2. Once in the station, applicants have 2 minutes to read the scenario or question posted on the door or virtually shared on the screen and plan an answer or response. 
    • A clipboard, paper and pencil will be provided for in person interviews only.
  3. Applicants then enter the room or breakout room (virtually) and have 5 minutes to communicate their answer or response verbally.
    • During the writing station, applicants will have 10 minutes to respond to the writing prompt.
  4. Applicants are then given 1 minute to proceed to the next station and the process begins again at step 2.

The Rangel College of Pharmacy plans to have 7 scenario questions, 1 writing station, and 1 rest stations on your interview day.

What to Wear to Interviews?

The Texas A&M Rangel College of Pharmacy expects students to be professional and to conduct themselves accordingly. Consistent with this expectation, students are asked to wear attire that is compatible with the pharmacy profession.

Business professional attire consist of full-length dress pants, dress shirt with a tie, socks and dress shoes for men. For women business professional attire consists of skirt suit, pant suit, full length dress pants, full length dress or dress skirt with a blouse, socks or hose, dress shoes and limited accessories.

Students should not wear the following to their interview:

  • Flip-flops or casual sandals
  • Denim clothing or jeans of any color
  • Clothing that reveals the mid-section of the torso or low cut tops
  • See-through clothing
  • Skirts shorter than one inch above the knee when sitting; mini skirts 
  • Spaghetti strap tops or tank tops
  • Any type of leggings
  • Distracting, tight-fitting blouses shirts, skirts or dresses

How do I prepare for an MMI interview?

  • Research the Texas A&M Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy
  • Practice giving timed responses to a variety of scenarios
  • Review current health care issues
  • Virtual do's and dont's
  • Watch this video