Experiential Education
About The Office of Experiential Education
The Office of Experiential Education oversees the development, implementation and assessment of the pharmacy practice experiences. Experiential education provides longitudinal opportunities for in-depth exposure and active participation in a variety of innovative and interprofessional pharmacy practice settings. As students progress through the pharmacy practice experiences, they develop the independent ability to resolve routine to complex problems and to function within a variety of real-life pharmacy practice settings. Students will be able to solve pharmaceutical-related problems utilizing evidence-based medicine and critical problem solving skills.
As mentors and role models, preceptors play an indispensable role. They guide students in order to enhance knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behaviors, while evaluating progression and reinforcing professionalism gleaned from all professional activities.
Our program is a member of the Texas Consortium on Experiential Programs.
Preceptor Newsletter
Our preceptor newsletter, The Rotation , provides the latest news from our preceptors and our current P4 students.
Experiential Education Mission
To develop highly competent, patient-centered and ethical pharmacists prepared to practice in current and future pharmacy practice settings.
Experiential Education Goals
- Develop a practical continuum of pharmacy practice experiences progressing in complexity from introductory to advanced pharmacy practice experiences and culminating in the achievement of professional competencies.
- Promote the mission of the school and the development of the pharmacy profession by identifying, developing and utilizing innovative and inter-professional practice sites throughout the state of Texas.
- Reinforce professional knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behaviors through the interface of didactic courses and experiential activities.
- Incorporate reflection into introductory and advanced pharmacy practice experiences to serve as portfolio documentation of professional growth.
- Create innovative learning opportunities using technology and distance learning for student and preceptor development.
- Adapt pharmacy practice experiences to meet accreditation standards and Texas Board of Pharmacy licensure requirements.
- Maximize utilization of a web-based rotation management system to track, monitor and evaluate student, site and preceptor information.
- Use technology to assess student professionalism, documentation of drug-related problem interventions, exposure to population health issues and continued development of professional competencies.
- Involve preceptors in experiential education through advisory boards, regional meetings and standing committees.
- Endorse a high level of competence and life-long learning of our preceptors through educational training, assessment and collaboration.
Experiential Education Faculty and Staff
Asim Abu-Baker, PharmD Associate Dean for Clinical and Professional Affairs Phone: 361.221.0660 Fax: 361.221.0794 abu-baker@tamu.edu Dr. Abu-Baker's bio |
Carolynn Mathews, RPh Director of Experiential Education Phone: 361.221.0663 Fax: 361.221.0794 cmathews@tamu.edu |
Lynde Buras, RPh Experiential Education Coordinator Phone: 979.436.0713 Fax: 979.436.0713 lynde.buras@exchange.tamu.edu |
Steven G. Deanda, EdD, MBA |
Heather Vasquez, BA Administrative Associate V Phone: 361.221.0664 Fax: 361.221.0794 heather.vasquez@tamu.edu |
Edwina Elizondo Program Specialist I Phone: 361.221.0661 Fax: 361.221.0794 e.elizondo@tamu.edu |