Charlotte Farris

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
MEC 3rd floor - Rm 303G
2401 South 31st Street
Phone: 254.724.4028
Fax: 254.724.1731
Education and Training
- Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, 2012
- Scott & White Memorial Hospital, Temple, Texas, Hospital Pharmacy Practice Residency, 2010
- University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy, PharmD, 2009
- Southwestern University, Georgetown, Texas, Board Certified Pharmacotherapy Specialist, 2012
Research Interests
- Competency based education
- Self-directed learning
- Quality improvement in the hospital setting
- Optimizing delivery of pharmaceutical care
- Authentic assessment strategies
Teaching Interests
- Internal Medicine
- Cardiology
- Infectious Disease
- Preceptor Development
- Leadership Development
Representative Publications
Farris C, Diec S, Patel P, Samuel N. Qualitative analysis of third-year pharmacy students’ perceptions about the term “clinical pharmacy”. AJPE, in press – accepted for publication June 2022.
Joseph M, Farris C, Demps E, Martinez M, Hernandez J. Faculty self- and needs assessment of preparedness for integrating active learning based on Medina’s conceptual framework. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development. Oct 4, 2021 – epub.
Kutter S◊, Farris C, Ivy D, Perez S. Retrospective Review of Pharmaceutical Care Services Provided by Academic Pharmacy Teams in an Inpatient Setting. TJHP. 2021;20(2):28-32.
Diec S, Farris C, Lopez J*. The imperfect preceptor and the imperfect student. Synapse. 2021. 35,
Rice SD◊, Kim N, Farris C. Anticholinergic Cognitive Burden in Older People Over Acute Admission. Sr Care Pharm. 2021 Feb 1;36:104-11.
Mogaka B, Clary D, Hong C, Farris C, Perez, S. Medication reconciliation in the emergency department performed by pharmacists. Baylor University Medical Center Proceedings. 2018 Sept 24; 31(4):436-4.38.
Farris C, Bowman J, Demps E, Koo C, Boyle P. A case study in a pharmacy therapeutics course. In L. Santos Green, J.R. Banas, & R. Perkins (Eds.), The flipped college classroom: Conceptualized and re-conceptualized. New York: Springer; 2017
Koo C, Demps E, Farris C*, Bowman J, Panahi L, Boyle P. Impact of flipped classroom design on student performance and perceptions in a pharmacotherapy course. Am J Pharm Educ. 2016 Mar 25; 80(2):33.
Koo CL, Demps EL, Bowman JD, Farris CA, Panahi L, Boyle P. Implementing and assessing a blended learning model in an integrated pharmacotherapeutic course [abstract]. In: Proceedings of Annual Meeting for Association of American Colleges of Pharmacy; 2013 July; Chicago, IL.
Oyetayo OO, Farris CA, Wahawisan J. Proton pump inhibitors and the prevention of recurrent GI bleed in patients treated with clopidogrel. Clinical Medicine Insights: Therapeutics. 2012;4: 9-17.