Student Organizations

Pharmacy Student Council
The Pharmacy Student Council was established in 2009 to maintain student self-government for the students of the college, to provide for the expression of opinions on matters of interest to students in the school, and to serve as a coordinating link between the students of the college, and between the students, faculty, and dean and administration of the college. The council also provides coordination among appropriately established and officially recognized professional pharmacy associations or organizations. The council has the authority to promote, support and coordinate association or organizational activities; integrate organizational activities; and provide coordination, leadership and balance to the established associations or organizations, thereby promoting harmonious relationships among them.
2024-2025 President: Cristian Requenez
Staff Advisers: Mr. Garry Castellanos and Dr. Amanda Galindo
Pharmacy Student Council Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Taylor Robinson
- President 2022-2023: Kristy Lee
- President 2021-2022: Ihsan Mushin
- President 2018-2019: Andrew Ramirez
- President 2017-2018: Morgan Osborn
- President 2016-2017: Niaz Deyhim
- President 2015-2016: Ashley Middlebrooks
- President 2014-2015: Bryan Donald
- President 2013-2014: Javier Saenz
- President 2012-2013: Christine Carney
- President 2011-2012: Kathleen Wild
- President 2010-2011: Dana Snyder
- President 2009-2010: Christina Gonzales

Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy
The Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy (AMCP) is a national professional association of pharmacists, health care practitioners and others who develop and provide clinical, educational and business management services on behalf of more than 200 million Americans covered by a managed pharmacy benefit. AMCP members are committed to a simple goal: providing the best available pharmaceutical care for all patients.
2024-2025 President: Makenna Kleibrink
Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Frederick Lee
- President 2022-2023: Leen Alyaseen
- President 2021-2022: Emily Wong
- President 2020-2021: Rashno Motamed
- President 2019-2020: Cody Kibbee (Cs)
- President 2018-2019: Cody Kibbee
- President 2017-2018: Anh Thu Tran
- President 2016-2017: Cecilia Huang

Academy of Student Pharmacists
Academy of Student Pharmacists (ASP) is the national professional student organization of the largest pharmacy society in the United States, the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). The college's ASP chapter is a member of Region VI, and is the student extension of the Texas Pharmacy Association and Coastal Bend Pharmacy Association. These two professional organizations and their affiliations with ASP allow pharmacy students to take an active role in professional activities at the regional, state and national levels.
2024-2025 President: Emily Habib
American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Student Pharmacists Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Bianca Mendez
- President 2022-2023: Ariana Henry
- President 2021-2022: Ashley Ferris
- President 2020-2021: Diego Segura
- President 2019-2020: Sarah Edwards (Kv)
- President 2018-2019: Domingo Rodriguez
- President 2017-2018: Christopher White
- President 2016-2017: Stephanie Smith
- President 2015-2016: Ashley Middlebrooks
- President 2014-2015: Adam Villarreal
- President 2013-2014: Katherine Kidd Taylor
- President 2012-2013: Aivee Tabangcora
- President 2011-2012: Justin Redding
- President 2010-2011: Frances Luong
- President 2009-2010: Mike Deluna
- President 2008-2009: Justin Markley
- President 2007-2008: Tram (Jemm) Duong

Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International (CPFI) is a worldwide ministry consisting of individuals working in all areas of pharmaceutical service and practice. CPFI’s mission is to serve Christ and the world through pharmacy. The core values are to: 1) Provide fellowship; 2) Challenge and promote spiritual growth; 3) Encourage the advancement of knowledge and ethics in the practice of pharmacy; 4) Encourage evangelism and the integration of faith into practice; and 5) Provide support and opportunity for service in both home and foreign missions.
2024-2025 President: Jacob Campbell
Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Lindsey Webster
- President 2022-2023: Daniela Pulido Salinas
- President 2021-2022: Jomey Varghese
- President 2020-2021: Ashley Abraham
- President 2019-2020: Itzayana Sanchez
- President 2018-2019: Jesna Kurian
- President 2017-2018: Esteban Garcia
- President 2016-2017: Ashton Goode

Multicultural Pharmacy Association
The Multicultural Pharmacy Association (Multicultural Pharmacy Association)'s vision is to encourage and promote pharmacy and cultural diversity, awareness, and acceptance within the College and the surrounding communities. The mission of MPA is to assist the college administration in developing, implementing, and supporting programs that will have a positive impact and inspire more diversity within the College and surrounding communities.
2024-2025 President: Mykel Colbert
Cultural Diversity Committee Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Roxana Merino
- President 2022-2023: Brooke de la Sota
- President 2021-2022: Daniella Tran
- President 2020-2021: Tanya Trinh
- President 2019-2020: Ashmal Ali
- President 2018-2019: Bailey Dendy
- President 2017-2018: Lisa Nguyen
- President 2016-2017: Abisola "Abby" Tairu
- President 2015-2016: Paris Karr

Dr. James Robertson Jr. Legacy Committee
Dr. James Robertson Jr. Legacy Committee was established in honor of Dr. James Robertson Jr., former Associate Dean for Student Affairs of the Irma Rangel College of Pharmacy from May 2005 - November 2012. Dr. James Robertson strived to give the very best to the students he served and was genuinely a humble, approachable, charismatic, and caring individual to everyone he knew. Although the passing of Dr. Robertson was a tremendous loss, the occurrence brought students together to keep his legacy and spirit alive through an endowed scholarship award to honor a man who could never stop giving to the students he served. The Dr. James Robertson Jr. Legacy Committee is the largest student-led committee at Irma Lerma Rangel College of Pharmacy and their mission is to leave a positive impact on students and the Kingsville community as a whole, just as Dr. James Robertson Jr. did for so many.
2024-2025 President: TBA
Dr. James Robertson Jr. Legacy Committee Past Presidents
- None

Industry Pharmacists Organization
Industry Pharmacists Organization (IPhO) is a national pharmaceutical industry-focused organization. The goal of this organization is to prepare student pharmacists to pursue a career within the pharmaceutical industry as being the most professionally equipped to contribute to the development, commercialization, promotion, and optimal use of medicines. National Student Members have an excellent working knowledge of common industry pharmacist roles and key pharmaceutical industry driving forces, as well as an understanding of the skills and experiences necessary to become a successful industry pharmacist. The mission of IPhO is to provide access to industry-based internships and other opportunities with the assistance of national and regional offices.
2024-2025 President: Lanam Millican
Industry Pharmacists Organization Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Chinoso Paul
- President 2022-2023: Leen Alyaseen

International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) student chapter is affiliated with national ISPOR and is the leading global scientific and educational organization for health economics and outcomes research. ISPOR student chapter is aimed to provide our Pharm.D. students with pharmacoeconomic resources, networking, foster interest in pharmacoeconomics and support cutting-edge research and outcomes. The activities of the organization will familiarize students with health related decision making process and prepare them for careers in managed care, pharmaceutical industry and other health care settings.
2024-2025 President: Arysta Visser
International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Jessica Milligan
- President 2022-2023: Leen Alyaseen
- President 2021-2022: Emily Wong
- President 2020-2021: Chandni Kamdar
- President 2019-2020: Toney Duong (Cs)
- President 2018-2019: Taylor Tomasino
- President 2017-2018: Lei Wu

Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity
Kappa Psi Pharmaceutical Fraternity is the oldest and largest professional pharmacy fraternity in the world. The objectives of Kappa Psi are: 1) To conduct a professional fraternal organization for the mutual benefit of its members; 2) To develop industry, sobriety, and fellowship; 3) To foster high ideals, scholarship, and pharmaceutical research; 4) To support all projects which will advance the profession of pharmacy and to actively participate in them; 5) To inspire in its members a deep and lasting pride in their fraternity and in the profession of pharmacy; and 6) To render such other services to its members and its profession as may seem feasible and as may be in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the fraternity.
2024-2025 Regent: Brittany Tamez
Kappa Psi Past Presidents
- Regent 2023-2024: Destiny Garcia
- Regent 2021-2022: Lauren Esqueda
- Regent 2021-2022: Gariela Gonzalez
- President 2020-2021: Jacquelyn Parmenter
- Regent 2019-2020: Marium Jafri (Kv)
- President 2018-2019: Jessica Mcandrew
- President 2017-2018: Jane Jeon
- President 2016-2017: Raul Elizondo
- President 2015-2016: Gordon Ang
- President 2014-2015: Klayton Ryman
- President 2013-2014: Lee Anthony Salazar
- President 2012-2013: Amy Morrow
- President 2011-2012: John Nguyen
- President 2010-2011: David Thedford
- President 2009-2010: Tu Nguyen
- President 2008-2009: Kevin Vu

National Community Pharmacists Association
The National Community Pharmacists Association (NCPA) represents the pharmacist owners, managers, and employees of more than 23,000 independent community pharmacies across the United States. There is no other foundation in the United States solely dedicated to research, education and public outreach on behalf of independent community pharmacy. NCPA stresses the importance for pharmacy students to promote issues important to the community pharmacy industry to elected officials. Additionally, the NCPA encourages political activism on relevant issues of importance to ensure they understand the important role that future pharmacists play in community health care delivery.
2024-2025 President: Megan Beard
National Community Pharmacists Association Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024:Alexander McMillan
- President 2022-2023: Alexander McMillan
- President 2021-2022: Javier E. Garcia
- President 2020-2021: Sergio Vigil
- President 2019-2020: Luisa D. Sanchez (Kv)
- President 2018-2019: Katherine Bennett
- President 2017-2018: Stephanie Bravo
- President 2016-2017: Pricila Hinojosa
- President 2015-2016: Kathryn Garcia
- President 2014-2015: Ashley Floyd
- President 2013-2014: Brittany Bateman
- President 2012-2013: Stephanie Staudt
- President 2011-2012: Lacy Rudd
- President 2010-2011: Jennifer Thompson

National Hispanic Pharmacists Association
The National Hispanic Pharmacists Association is an extension from the National Hispanic Health Foundation that serves as a resource to improve pharmacy policies and programs for the Hispanic community. Our mission is to empower pharmacists and other members to improve the health of Hispanic populations. Our student chapter will be composed of the following objectives to achieve our mission goal: 1) To coordinate programs that will improve the healthcare awareness of minority communities; 2) To promote the interests of our student chapter members to develop leadership and professional skills; 3) To develop a positive image and define the future role of minority health professionals in the community and; 4) To encourage NHPA student chapter members, upon graduation, to become active members of the profession of pharmacy.
2024-2025 President: America Rodriguez
National Hispanic Pharmacists Association Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Jessica Amaro
- Founding President: Jessica Amaro

Pharmacy College Organization Group
The Pharmacy College Organization Group (PCOG) is an umbrella organization whose membership consists of student organizations recognized on the Kingsville campus of the college and have student members in College Station. In addition to facilitating communication, the primary goals of PCOG are to: 1) Develop and coordinate College Station specific activities in collaboration with student organization members in Kingsville. 2) Facilitate the expression of opinions and ideas on matters of interest to students in College Station with Kingsville students. 3) Enhance professional development and service learning opportunities available to College Station students; and 4) Promote the field of pharmacy through participation in professional activities at the regional, state, and national levels.
2024-2025 President: Samantha Cole
Pharmacy College Organization Group Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Jasmine Norris
- President - Representative 2018-2019: Sara Bermudez
- President - Representative 2017-2018: Tzuchen Jou
- President - Representative 2016-2017: Shahrouz Shoghi
- President - Representative 2015-2016: Shahrouz Shoghi

Pharmacy Public Health Committee
The Pharmacy Public Health Committee (PPHC) is dedicated to the exploration and understanding of the role of pharmacy in the public health domain. Recognizing a clear need for greater public health understanding and an opportunity to build on this important initiative, the PPHC seeks to 1) educate and advocate for public health in all aspects of the pharmacy profession; 2) initiate, provide, and support pharmacy and public health service projects benefiting the surrounding community; 3) foster pharmacy public health awareness in students through community service, research presentations, and outreach projects; 4) develop students’ professional and leadership abilities; and 5) promote interdisciplinary communication and collaboration to advance public health initiatives in pharmacy.
2024-2025 President: Vanessa Rivera
Pharmacy Public Health Committee Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Mykel Colbert
- President 2022-2023: Rebecca Obregon
- President 2021-2022: Michelle Alaniz
- President 2020-2021: Ian Sumega
- President 2019-2020: Julio Guerra
- founder 2018-2019: Brian Sigoloff
- founder 2018-2019: Andrew Ramirez

Phi Delta Chi
Phi Delta Chi is America's first professional fraternity in pharmacy. Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity develops leaders to advance the profession of pharmacy. The fraternity strives to provide quality services to its patients, thereby advancing public health and strengthening its members as health professionals. Its primary programs strive to recognize excellence among collegiate and alumni brothers and chapters; to provide training and education to improve therapeutic, leadership, and management skills of pharmacy students and pharmacists; enhance professional and service programs to accommodate community needs; and to foster fraternal programs to our brotherhood. In addition, the fraternity awards the Prescott Leadership Award for Excellence to a deserving young pharmacist.
2024-2025 President: Ariana Jimenez
Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Ricco Rizo
- President 2022-2023: Sarah Tapia
- President 2021-2022: Benjamin Garcia
- President 2020-2021: Gil Jaime
- President 2019-2020: Shreeya Upadhyay (Kv)
- President 2018-2019: Hannah Poquiz
- President 2017-2018: Boa Choi
- President 2016-2017: Christine Hong
- President 2015-2016: Carolyn Redmon
- President 2014-2015: Ann Margulies-huffaker
- President 2013-2014: Ernesto Gonzalez
- President 2012-2013: Luis Perez
- President 2011-2012: Julin Thomas
- President 2010-2011: Michael Shaw
- President 2009-2010: Michael Herrera
- President 2008-2009: Hui Yun

Phi Lambda Sigma
The purpose of Phi Lambda Sigma, also known as the national Pharmacy Leadership Society, is to promote the development of leadership qualities, especially among pharmacy students. Members are selected by peer recognition, which instills and enhances self-confidence, encourages the less active student to a more active role and promotes greater effort toward the advancement of pharmacy. The membership of the society is rich in leadership diversity and values the enduring support of many. Particularly valued and recognized are those individuals who have accepted the responsibility for leadership in the pharmacy profession.
2024-2025 President: Sarai Hernandez
Phi Lambda Sigma Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Anna Oommen
- President 2022-2023: Kristina Esqueda
- President 2021-2022: Jenna Davis
- President 2020-2021: Brooke Spann
- President 2019-2020: Bailey Dendy
- President 2018-2019: Andrew Ramirez
- President 2017-2018: Christopher White
- President 2016-2017: Christine Hong
- President 2015-2016: Jennifer Guerrero
- President 2014-2015: Amanda Kennedy
- President 2013-2014: Annie Lozano
- President 2012-2013: Amber Bacak
- President 2011-2012: Shyreen Dulanya
- President 2010-2011: Rebecca Shewmaker
- President 2009-2010: Charles Rolph

Pediatric Pharmacy Association
PediAggies is a student chapter of the nationally recognized Pediatric Pharmacy Association (PPA) with the express mission to promote collaboration, advocacy, research, and education (CARE) in service to children, adolescents, and young adults. Our organization provides opportunities for students and members to create professional relationships with pediatric specialists, aid our local communities in service and philanthropy, and provide lasting health and wellness to one of the most rewarding patient populations a pharmacist can serve. The mission of PediAggies is to improve health outcomes and promote safe and effective medication use among the pediatric patient population through communication, education, and evidence-based findings.
2024-2025 President: Katie Frankens
Pediatric Pharmacy Association Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Oscar Corona
- President 2022-2023: Zachary Mayo

Rho Chi Society
The fundamental objective of The Rho Chi Society, an academic honor society in pharmacy, has always been to promote the advancement of the pharmaceutical sciences through the encouragement and recognition of sound scholarship. Rho Chi seeks to promote scholarly fellowship in pharmacy by bringing professional students, graduate students and faculty members together in fraternal and helpful association. Regular chapter meetings, and other activities, emphasize the professional aspects of pharmacy and point the way to instructive study and research. By such means, Rho Chi, like its sister honor societies, seeks to increase the awareness of the ethical and social responsibilities of the profession, and thereby, to enhance the prestige of the profession.
2024-2025 President: Erik Solorzano
Rho Chi Society Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Kari Blackwell
- President 2022-2023: Brooke de la Sota
- President 2021-2022: Monica Deleon
- President 2020-2021: Anthony Wilks
- President 2019-2020: Jacob Sellers
- President 2018-2019: Shannon Walter
- President 2017-2018: Russell Clark
- President 2016-2017: Niaz Deyhim
- President 2015-2016: Monica Pham
- President 2014-2015: Chelsea Krueger
- President 2013-2014: Nhu Quyen Dau
- President 2012-2013: Jessie Castillo
- President 2011-2012: Omar Salgado
- President 2010-2011: Richard Wong
- President 2009-2010: Rodolfo Rangel

Student College of Clinical Pharmacy
The Student College of Clinical Pharmacy (SCCP) is a student chapter of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP). ACCP is a professional and scientific society that provides leadership, education, advocacy, and resources enabling clinical pharmacists to achieve excellence in practice, research, and education. ACCP seeks to familiarize students with the field of clinical pharmacy by providing information about careers and opportunities within the field of clinical pharmacy; promoting dedication to excellence in patient care, research, and education; and encouraging the professional development necessary to function within an interdisciplinary team.
2024-2025 President: Sarai Hernandez
Student College of Clinical Pharmacy Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Phuong Tran
- President 2022-2023: Patricia Flores
- President 2021-2022: Sharon Halliburton
- President 2020-2021: Bethany George
- President 2019-2020: Anaissa Leal

Student National Pharmaceutical Association
The Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA), an extension of the National Pharmaceutical Association (NPhA), is an educational service association of pharmacy students who are concerned about pharmacy and healthcare related issues. The association objectives are: 1) To offer student members the opportunity to develop leadership and professional skill; 2) To educate students about and promote active participation in national health care issues; 3) To develop the role of the minority health professional as a vital member of the health care team; 4) To develop within communities a positive image of minority health professionals; and 5) To educate communities on better health practices and to increase their awareness and understanding of diseases.
2024-2025 President: Brandon Wang
Student National Pharmaceutical Association Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Jenny Nhuyen
- President 2022-2023: Amanda Coots
- President 2021-2022: Jennifer Nwosu
- President 2020-2021: Taylor Alcantar
- President 2019-2020: Jennifer Meza (Cs)
- President 2018-2019: Ryan Spencer
- President 2017-2018: Shaun Mckeown
- President 2016-2017: Heaven Carrejo
- President 2015-2016: Richard Ramirez
- President 2014-2015: Bryan Donald
- President 2013-2014: Mahmoud Sabawi
- President 2012-2013: Purvi Patel
- President 2011-2012: Mark Carrillo
- President 2010-2011: Michael Terry
- President 2009-2010: Obinna Izundu
- President 2008-2009: Johanne Pierre-fils

Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists
The Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists (SSHP) is a national professional association that represents student pharmacists who aspire to practice in hospitals, health maintenance organizations, long-term care facilities, home care, and other components of health care systems. The American Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists (ASHP), its parent organization, work towards helping patients achieve optimal health outcomes. ASHP advocates and supports the professional practice of pharmacists in hospitals, health systems, ambulatory care clinics, and other settings spanning the full spectrum of medication use. ASHP serves its members as their collective voice on issues related to medication use and public health.
2024-2025 President: Cecilia Cuevas-Ramirez
Student Society of Health-System Pharmacists Past Presidents
- President 2023-2024: Meina Determan
- President 2022-2023: Jeryl Raju
- President 2021-2022: Enrique Arredondo
- President 2020-2021: Ashley Abraham
- President 2019-2020: Patrick Funderburk
- President 2018-2019: Andrew Ramirez
- President 2017-2018: Lois Kim
- President 2016-2017: Junnie Mwaniki
- President 2015-2016: Whitney Strong
- President 2014-2015: Justin Shanks
- President 2013-2014: Jacob George
- President 2012-2013: Regina Roy
- President 2011-2012: Nola Fry
- President 2010-2011: Shannon Fuller
- President 2009-2010: Rita Salinas
- President 2008-2009: Sebastian Perez