Office of Student Affairs
Phone: 361.221.0648
Juan Bustamante, PhD
Instructional Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director of Recruitment
Phone: 361.221.0643
Amanda Galindo, EdD
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Project Director, ASPIR 2E
Phone: 361.221.0608

About the ASPIR 2E Program
ASPIR 2E: Aggie Student Pharmacists Initiative for Recruitment/Retention and Education
The aim of the ASPIR 2E programs is to prepare and support students to become Aggie Pharmacists.
There are four tracks to ASPIR 2E:
- Tracks 1 and 2 will help undergraduate pre-pharmacy students ultimately become a competitive pharmacy school applicant
- Tracks 3 and 4 will help admitted Rangel College of Pharmacy students successfully transition to the rigors of the PharmD education and become a competent practicing pharmacist
ASPIR 2E program tracks
The Pre-Pharmacy Introductory Program (PPIP) is designed to introduce first-year college students to the field of pharmacy and its vast options. It is offered in partnership with Texas A&M University - Kingsville as a pre-pharmacy section of the first-year university success course.
The Pre-Pharmacy Advanced Program has two main goals:
- To help prepare second-year undergraduate pre-pharmacy students to become competitive pharmacy school applicants
- To deepen students' understanding of what pharmacists do
Any second-year undergraduate pre-pharmacy student who meets requirements at at Texas A&M University or Texas A&M University – Kingsville is eligible to apply.
The pre-matriculation program is designed to help first-year PharmD students successfully transition to the rigors of the PharmD education and life as a professional student pharmacist.
Academic coaching is offered through the Office of Student Success, who will work with students to develop a strategic academic success action plan for reaching goals.
Academic coaching typically includes:
- Regular follow-up’s with advisees
- Academic Success Action Plan
- Learning Assessment Analysis
- Student Success Workshops
Contact the ASPIR 2E Program
For additional questions, please contact:
Office of Student Affairs
Phone: 361.221.0648
Juan Bustamante, PhD
Instructional Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director of Recruitment, Diversity & Inclusion
Phone: 361.221.0643
ASPIR 2E Project Director
Amanda Galindo, EdD
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Project Director, ASPIR 2E
Phone: 361.221.0608
Office of Student Affairs
Phone: 361.221.0648
Amanda Galindo, EdD
Assistant Dean for Student Affairs
Project Director, ASPIR 2E
Phone: 361.221.0608
Juan Bustamante, PhD
Instructional Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Director of Recruitment
Phone: 361.221.0643