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Office of Assessment


Simi Gunaseelan, PhD
Director of Assessment
Instructional Associate Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
1010 West Avenue B 
Office 221
Phone: 361.221.0708
Simi Gunaseelan's bio

Madeline Denton, BS
Assessment Specialist II
1010 West Avenue B 
Office 215
Phone: 361.221.0761

Assessment Reports


The Office of Assessment, led by Dr. Simi Gunaseelan, works closely with individual faculty, course coordinators,  the Office of Academic Affairsthe Office of Experiential Educationthe Office of Student Affairsthe Office of Student Success, Administrative Leadership Team, Outcomes Assessment Committee, Curricular Affairs Committee, Experiential Education Committee, Interprofessional Education Committee and OSCE Advisory Committee to promote continuous assessment of programmatic goals and student achievement.

Activities coordinated by the Office of Assessment include (but are not limited to):

  1. Managing and leading the College’s assessment activities and programmatic accreditation initiatives.
  2. Developing and implementing a systematic student learning outcomes assessment plan for didactic curriculum, experiential curriculum, co-curriculum, and interprofessional education.
  3. Working with faculty and administration in mapping, assessing, and auditing the didactic curriculum, experiential curriculum and co-curriculum to meet ACPE standards.
  4. Overseeing and coordinating programmatic assessments (i.e., research and clinical practice/services; student/alumni/faculty/preceptor satisfaction; faculty/preceptor development; student admissions, etc.).
  5. Identifying and refining appropriate instruments and methods to assess student achievement and curricular, co-curricular, and program effectiveness; developing feedback mechanisms to improve these measures and establish timelines for achievements of the outcomes.
  6. Developing and maintaining an electronic data warehouse of assessment information and reports, including Enflux and AAMS.

Office-of-Assessment-Webpage-Visuals_UPDATED-2.jpgA variety of formative and summative performance measures are evaluated over the course of the curriculum. The hallmark assessments of curricular effectiveness and student achievement include OSCEs, Benchmark exams - internal and external including PCOA (NABP), Pre-NAPLEX (NABP), Pre-MPJE (NABP), Pharmacy Licensure Exams (NAPLEX and MPJE) and faculty/preceptor evaluations of students.


View the Texas A&M College of Pharmacy PharmD Professional Competencies

In addition, The Office of Assessment closely and collaboratively works with the Texas A&M Institutional Effectiveness and Evaluation Office to advance the school’s assessment efforts and to provide leadership and support to ensure that the assessment program is of the highest quality.